briefly description of effector mechanism
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Killing pathogens;
--> Phagocytosis & Complement
phagocytosis ; engulfing and degradation / digestionb
of fragments of tissues / material
Complement activation -->
Classical ( AB-Ag complex formation )
Alternative ( component of complement binds to pathogen surface;
mark for destruction
- main component = C3
* C3 activation;
i) recruit inflammatory cells
ii) opsonisation of pathogens
iii) killing of pathogens
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Cytokine induction;
--> toll like receptors; IL -1 , TNF } activation of cells of
Interferons } adaptive immune response
Ag presentation
--> 2 types of MHC
* Class I
- viruses / intracell bact
- express on all cells
* Class II
- extracell bact / opsonised bact
- express on Ag presenting cells only
MHC- Ag complex ; v.stable, bind with high affinity
** AB - antibody
Ag - antigen
MHC - major histocompatability complex
Labels: .medic.