.3 in 1.
Reunion tamhidi medic II
venue: KLCC, garden
date: 16082008

my friend(Engku Umar) Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences,USIM
invited me to a reunion for all students of tamhidi medic II 07/08,
with a farewell bid for me. well at first I tried to give excuses
since there's few things need to be done,but he kept on
insisting saying that this reunion was specially for me..
they wanted it to be done by this week since they'll be having
holiday before their mid sem exam
'' mung kene maghi gak,kita wat khas utk mung nie''
we had a few speech sessions and a True / Dare game
(well nobody dare to dare) and I concluded my final speech
to them,and eda (peng program) played a song from
Brotherz (doa perpisahan) and as we split for our journey,
me (went to kenduri),they
(on their way back to pndan indah,mar,farah,nabilah to nilai)
rains start to fall..and they wave me a safe journey
(a film like scene..touching indeed)
a round of applause to them who organized this small reunion
(4 of my friends couldn't make it),
we felt the beauty of 'friendship' throughout our 1year matrix
' although Titanic is the biggest ship,
but the best ship is always a Friendship '
and prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) have always
reminded us about implementing good behaviour(making friends)
towards other muslims & non muslims, and keeping a good friendship
based on the love for Allah is one of the lessons.
ttmII class 07/08
. umar| akmal| yuzrin| nabeil| hafizuddin| mu'az| qadri| amrul
| syarah| aisyah cr| ruwaida| lazima| husna| fatin| aisyah
| aslamiah| mardhotillah| nabilah| farah| nisa'
* qadri,amrul,aisya cr,nisa couldn't join us
and now, they are making their way to mbbs
except for mardhotillah,nabilah,farah,amrul (biotech)
qadri (chem industry)
in the evening, went to khairiyah's house, her brother
(abg saiful islam) prepared kenduri aqiqah for newly
born baby(2 weeks, maryam). I was informed by
this occasion on my way to klcc from duha and rushed to
melawati after the reunion, meet my seniors in
al-amin,6th batch abg umair,abg najib(jabbar's IIC bro),
abg wan anuar(fathiyyah' s bro)
went to KLIA, bid farewell to ammar (comp engineering)
n basyirah (actuarial & financial maths)
making their way to US

all the best,good luck,be a good muslim
who embrace the religion
. Sayonara Malaysia, willkommen US .
Ammar Ahmad Faris
Basyirah Mohd Khairi
Reunion tamhidi medic II
venue: KLCC, garden
date: 16082008

my friend(Engku Umar) Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences,USIM
invited me to a reunion for all students of tamhidi medic II 07/08,
with a farewell bid for me. well at first I tried to give excuses
since there's few things need to be done,but he kept on
insisting saying that this reunion was specially for me..
they wanted it to be done by this week since they'll be having
holiday before their mid sem exam
'' mung kene maghi gak,kita wat khas utk mung nie''
we had a few speech sessions and a True / Dare game
(well nobody dare to dare) and I concluded my final speech
to them,and eda (peng program) played a song from
Brotherz (doa perpisahan) and as we split for our journey,
me (went to kenduri),they
(on their way back to pndan indah,mar,farah,nabilah to nilai)
rains start to fall..and they wave me a safe journey
(a film like scene..touching indeed)
a round of applause to them who organized this small reunion
(4 of my friends couldn't make it),
we felt the beauty of 'friendship' throughout our 1year matrix
' although Titanic is the biggest ship,
but the best ship is always a Friendship '
and prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) have always
reminded us about implementing good behaviour(making friends)
towards other muslims & non muslims, and keeping a good friendship
based on the love for Allah is one of the lessons.
ttmII class 07/08
. umar| akmal| yuzrin| nabeil| hafizuddin| mu'az| qadri| amrul
| syarah| aisyah cr| ruwaida| lazima| husna| fatin| aisyah
| aslamiah| mardhotillah| nabilah| farah| nisa'
* qadri,amrul,aisya cr,nisa couldn't join us
and now, they are making their way to mbbs
except for mardhotillah,nabilah,farah,amrul (biotech)
qadri (chem industry)
in the evening, went to khairiyah's house, her brother
(abg saiful islam) prepared kenduri aqiqah for newly
born baby(2 weeks, maryam). I was informed by
this occasion on my way to klcc from duha and rushed to
melawati after the reunion, meet my seniors in
al-amin,6th batch abg umair,abg najib(jabbar's IIC bro),
abg wan anuar(fathiyyah' s bro)
went to KLIA, bid farewell to ammar (comp engineering)
n basyirah (actuarial & financial maths)
making their way to US

all the best,good luck,be a good muslim
who embrace the religion
. Sayonara Malaysia, willkommen US .
Ammar Ahmad Faris
Basyirah Mohd Khairi
aisey, teringat zaman dolu2 mase fly...
meleleh je kejenye...hehe
haha..normal tu..
insyaAllah saya tidak
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