Tuesday, May 27, 2008

.a visit to the ED.


In this post I would just like to share some of my precious moment when I had the chance to visit ED (emergency department) in Selayang specialist Hospital..thanks to my sis who gave me the green light to do so..with hubby abg iqhbal

Well I had this oppurtunity when I was in my mid sem break during my matriculation days,kind a boring just to sit down at home so I accompanied my sis just to have a glimpse at what was it like to become a doctor...hmm..challenging I must say.I visited the hospital randomly when I think I was free enough..and when I was prepared physically..heh

Day 1

The first day was a bit like full of anxiety thinking of what to do,what to say,how to communicate with the staff,and maybe patient itself.. that day kngah was on on call..
as I arrived at the hospital there was an ambulance call, so I voluntereed to join the team which this case later on became my main attention..so the case was an accident at taman rimba komanwel, an indian man,age around 50 above,drunk,drove the motorcycle ..(heh there's always an advice on this kind of people..don't drink and drive!) so later on at the hospital the doctor in charge in ortho spend some time to diagnose this uncle..this was my first lesson that I gain from the pros..as the uncle experience pain his upper part of the body,he claims that he can't move his shoulder,so the doctor run few test with a piece of a paper clip..(well at first I thought it was a needle) to check which part was affected,after inspecting the uncle,reviewing his xray,discussion among peers..later on he concluded that the uncle suffers from the medical term 'central cord syndrome (CCS)'>>

Central cord syndrome is an "incomplete lesion," a condition in which only part of the spinal cord is affected. In central cord syndrome, there is greater weakness or outright paralysis of the upper extremities, as compared with the lower extremities. Unlike a complete lesion, that causes loss of all sensation and movement below the level of the injury, an incomplete lesion causes only a partial loss of sensation and movement. click here for more info

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Blogger signi said...

slm..hehe muaz pon da ade blog skg eh..amk medic gk ke?bgs2.klu xphm pape ley je tnye kak sayba kn.hehe.

May 28, 2008 at 2:06 PM  
Blogger 'adz said...

hehe..saje mncuba2 bnda baru..
hmm xtaula dpt ke x wat medic..insyaAllah kalo ade rezeki..

May 30, 2008 at 3:07 PM  
Blogger ~aozora~ said...

such a good experience! i've been in ED too..doing cas in Perak..not really 'emergency' coz it's juz a district hosptal..we're asked by the doc incharged that time to ask the patient's condition n find out what his prob..huhu..that's really make us thing again why we wanna be a doc rite? heh..looks like u really into medic..keep it up! stay the same..yeah..determination hope all of us can achieve our dreams..insyaAllah

p/s:try out at O&G unit..really good experience :)

May 30, 2008 at 6:41 PM  
Blogger 'adz said...

hehe..o&g unit..
insyaAllah kalu ade peluang..
nk try tgk paeds dulu..

May 31, 2008 at 8:00 AM  

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