Monday, June 2, 2008


hmm..apart of the accident case, there were other cases that happen during that day and one that attract my attention was,,, there's this lady when I saw her she was vomitting a black liquid out from her mouth..well that's kind a creepy at first,but it 's fun to watch and get to know what's going on really gives me an excitement .. and after I ask the nurse that black liquid that the lady vomitted was actually charcoal that she was ask to drink..well somehow I just knew that day charcoal (click for details) is used for certain treatmant of poisoning (it does have a value in medicine)

Day 2

ell this time around,when I went to the hospital I have a task that needs to be accomplished which was I need to learn and get additional information from medical personnel about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR..since I need to prepare for my english presentation back in it just come across in my mind CPR will probably be the best topic as a public speaking presentation..Alhamdulillah that day my sis was working in resus (red zone) where critical cases were observed here,and that means if I'm lucky, probably there will be cases where CPR is conducted..and to my suprise there's one..
patient indian woman,she was brought to resus due to heart attack (myocardial infarction) she had the attack in the morning when she was going to vote (happen during the election..sorry for her,maybe she was so excited to vote for the RIGHT candidate) so she was put under observation..and after a struck again the heart attack..and this time it's serious..somehow the nurse saw she was like gasping so they had to intubate..seeing no response..they had to perform CPR..hmm..lucky for me to witness a real life situation but felt sorry for her..I tried to help but only by pushing the blue button(code blue)..then there was this moment when her heartbeat enter the VF (ventricular fibrillation -click for details) one the MA (medical assistant) had to prepare the defibrillator machine (the electrical shock device oftenly use in the tv..which they usually shouted..CHARGE!) but suddenly it went to not this time for me to witness the using of the device..hmm I was hoping that the auntie will still have the chance to live and maybe to vote for the last time..

Then I heard my sis said to me..' nak buat tak CPR? '..and I was..haa ok..hmm this is my chance to learn it in a real threatening situation..with guidance from the trained nurse whom was the trainer in CPR course..I took the oppurtinity to help..after all..since it's very tiring(30 compression..huh) so the man(MA) alternately perform the CPR and I'm the only man that haven't done it..after more than half an hour..we tried the best that we could to save her but no one can escape from god's fate..she was destined to die that day. Very much I learned that it is important for us to know about CPR and how to perform it the right way because maybe one day that person that we need to save is probably someone that we know and if we are hesitate or nervouse we might not have the chance to see them again..
my gratitude to all doctors,ma,nurses that have work endlessly saving human's life (a noble job indeed)

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped.
click here for details and check

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Blogger ~aozora~ said...

how lucky u r to have experience like this! huhu..jeles2..well..truskan berkongsi dgn kami sume..well done!
hope to get this kind of experience too..

June 4, 2008 at 6:59 AM  
Blogger 'adz said...

hmm..alhamudlillah..ade rezeki
ala..nnt kmb msti ade punya..wat posting utk korang nye interview

June 5, 2008 at 6:07 AM  
Blogger Alif Anwar said...


Thanks for sharing your stories. The charcoal part reminds me of an incident in my college days.

One of us attempted to relief his exam stress (we reckoned so) by swallowing 18 tablets of 500mg Paracetamol. He ended up in ER and had to be "charcoaled". He's lucky that his liver actually survive that amount of Paracetamol, alhamdulillah.

June 8, 2008 at 12:40 PM  
Blogger 'adz said...

well..charcoal have many benefits which we need to discover rather than being the main burning item for BBQ

thank you for sharing..ibnu I know you??

June 8, 2008 at 3:39 PM  

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