Yesterday went to an ex-classmate wedding in Janda Baik,the bride Sharifah Fatimah az-zahra Syed Hussein Al-attas was my classmate back in IIC, she invited me to her wed,the groom was an Adni student itself Syed Haris if i'm not mistaken. Both bride and groom currently studying at IIUM in psychology. Since the place was quite far,so I asked Amin n Adib members of cres to accompany..picking up adib in CFS IIUM PJ was quite an adventure,hehe..it took me about 1 and half quater before I finally managed to find the place..huh..
At the wedding, I met some of my old friends in IIC,
Fatin( IIUM,Kuantan Medicine)
Sobrina(IIUM,Kuantan Dentistry),
Habeeb(IIUM, something to do with arts),
Harith(my long time bestfriend),Haziq(harith's brother)
Jabbar(just finish his exam),Tiya(lovely),
Ridza(nice car),Buden(arab look like),
Nabil(smart),Zulhelmi,Ruzainah(ridza sister),
Sakinah(a new status-mom),
Rabiatul(nabil n zul's sister),
Ibu Laila(pengasuh masa kecik,she's so sweet)...
although it's been a long time I've left IIC but I still remember their names..
it is true like an idiom which says..
' although titanic is the biggest ship, but the best ship is a FRIENDSHIP '

during my days in IIC
I was told that later that night sharifah or cik ani as others call her, had a special event only for her friends, Adni-IIC..but I couldn't make it since have somethig else to do,me,amin n adib continue our journey to abg aziz's house in kajang..another adventure before finding the right place..haha kene blajar mengenal jalan lepas ni..we had some discussion about an upcoming project for the month of ramadhan..hadi n afiq couldn't make it to join the discussion.. and later that day we had a training on semalam (boyzIImen original of yesterday)

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