.a glimpse.

. IMAM PreDepartue UK & EIRE .
Date : 8,9 August 2008
Venue : Astana Dugang, Sg Merab, Bangi
Islamic Medical Association Malaysia /
Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia
what is a PreDepartue ?
pre departue is a yearly program organize by IMAM UK EIRE,
student chapter in collaboration with IMAM doctor's chapter to
equip students,whom will be flying overseas pursuing medicine in
different countries, information focusing on all different kind of
aspect,life as an overseas student,about the univ,etc.
how this program differ from others ?
well as it is a pre departue program,therefore some of the content
is much the same in a way,however what makes this program
a must attend program before flying,not only student will have a
good view on what's about to come in years ahead,preparing
mentally,spiritually & physically,asking question from
seniors (diff univ representative),it also act as a medium where
participant of the program have the oppurtunity to meet various
doctors with various specialty with eye to eye conversation giving
them exclusive view of a doctor's career along with inspiring advices,
a live experience one shouldn't miss
my PreDepartue ?
alhamdulillah it was a memorable experience and it really
change some of my perspective in the world of medicine.
The speakers, only one word can best describe them
a.m.a.z.i.n.g,although they were buzy,they
really could find some time to be with us.
Prof Latiff,such a great guy,his words really touched my heart
Dr Musa,a humble guy, yet he manage to open up our mind,
to see how important for doctors, to work as a team.
Prof Amal,his video presentation was so uplifting
Dr Rodhi,sharing experience throughout his journey of
becoming an ortho surgeon & currently working in UKM
- infact he was once a student in RCSI.
besides talk, we also had the oppurtunity to experience
' solah in the garden ', basically we prayed in the garden,
which was a norm for students who studies overseas
where mosque and prayer rooms are limited.
There's also an intellectual game conducted by the commitee
where it expose clinical examination for us, quite fun & also
we learn about Fiqh overseas
lessons ?
a few quotes from the speakers
Prof Latiff,
'' walk tall,believe in our heart,we will win ''
- he kept saying we will win,referring to us
in the good side of the ummah
'' always be ahead of time ''
- planning for what's to come
'' work hard, be patient ''
- as medicine needs full dedication & determination
'' stand up when fall ''
and the most important
'' never forget Allah ''
he also give a talk after subuh prayer (more like kuliah subuh)
and subhanallah, this doctors, are not only one who understand
medicine,but they do have knowledge in religion
- very impressive indeed.
his point was simple, he shared a hadeeth which
prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said
1) Fear Allah wherever you may be
2) Follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out
3) Behave good-naturedly towards people
Dr Musa,
'' Think bigger picture for ummah ''
'' Being at the cutting edge of ...(I didn't catch this one,
it has to do with science)
'' Service to humanity ''
'' the concept of Soleh Wa Musleh ''
'' Global networking (amal Jamaie) ''
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