. countdown .

less than a month now, before leaving malaysia..
feelings ??
'' excited ''
'' anxious ''
'' exhilarating ''
alhamdulillah (praise to Allah) for giving me this
opportunity, I will still and always remember this
life changing sustenance (rezeki) in my life
Say: '' Truly, my Lord enlarges the provisions for
whom He wills of His slaves, and (also) restricts (it)
for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything
(in Allah's cause), He will replace it.
And He is the Best providers. '' (34:39)
life changing ?? (insyaAllah in new post)
as everyone else whom share the same thing as I am,
there's so much need to be done, preparing items,
packing in luggage which might weigh as you are,or
even heavier (yalah..1 big luggage,hand carry luggage, and bag pack)
schedule their time to meet friends,teachers...
going for predepartue programmes for last words from
either sponsor or to be university
(alhamdulillah, I've went to IMAM n RCSI predepartue)
and lots and lots..haha
suddenly I realized that I've left bio,chem n physcis
for quite a long time..hmmm
untill that time comes, I''ll just have to wait and pray
hoping things go as what have been planned. If Allah's will

.: a happy ramadhan to all muslims :.
Labels: .personal, ramblings.
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