.me,myself & I.
It is for HIM I'm still alive,breathe,
living with those whom I love,
It has been 19 years now I've live in a place called Earth
19 years which have taught me meaningful lessons
from baby steps to driving a car
this entry is dedicated to me,myself & I
on my very special day..
my BIRTHDAY it is
this is my story

(di ats riba ummi brape hr slps lahir,,main cak2)

(masa muda dulu)
It's always great to be young..so much things to explore n discover

driving a truck in the zoo,flying aeroplane,
driving go-kart,climbing mount kinabalu,
and as I grew older, I began to learn lessons about LIFE
and I realize, there are questions that needed an answer
' Have I've been a good Servant '
' Have I've been a good and obedient son '
' What have I contribute to the society '
' How's my IMAN doing '
' Am I prepared for new challenges '
' What's next for me in the upcoming years '
' Will I see myself as a doctor in the next 6 years '
all these questions and many more will kept haunting me
if there's no serious action taken, a brother once said to me,
'' with great powers,come great responsibilities ''
it is up to ME to DECIDE & Make my choice
'' Surely Allah will never change the
condition of a people untill
they change it themselves '' (ar - Ra'd,11)
and in a different verse
'' Allah gives more, or grants by(right)measure,
The (means of) support to whomsoever He pleases.
The joy in the life of this world:
But the (very) life of this world is
Only of little comfort in the Hereafter. (ar-Ra'd,26)
and one thing for sure, as our age increases..
it reflects on how near death will be,
and am I prepared for the eternal world?
n to others who share this date 03/07
Ammar Faris
happy birthday my friend
Zakwan Zainuddin
kwn lama di IIC
Labels: .birthday.