Sunday, August 31, 2008

.: Ramadhan Kareem :.

'' O You who have attained to faith!, fasting
is ordained as it was ordained for those before you,
so that you might remain conscious of God '' .

may Allah bestow His blessings and guidance
throughout the Holy month of Ramadhan
a happy ramadhan to all muslim
set our goals, be passionate in performing our action (ibadah)
a reminder to me & to all
it's time to change !

for this,
be kind to others, never let hatred tear us apart.

and I say sorry for my misbehaviour,
for the words that I used, etc
to my parents,siblings,teachers,friends and to You

.: Ramadhan Kareem :.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

. countdown .

less than a month now, before leaving malaysia..

feelings ??

'' excited ''

'' anxious ''

'' exhilarating ''

alhamdulillah (praise to Allah) for giving me this
opportunity, I will still and always remember this
life changing sustenance (rezeki) in my life

Say: '' Truly, my Lord enlarges the provisions for
whom He wills of His slaves, and (also) restricts (it)
for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything
(in Allah's cause), He will replace it.
And He
is the Best providers. '' (34:39)

life changing ??
(insyaAllah in new post)

as everyone else whom share the same thing as I am,
there's so much need to be done, preparing items,
packing in luggage which might weigh as you are,or
even heavier (yalah..1 big luggage,hand carry luggage, and bag pack)
schedule their time to meet friends,teachers...
going for predepartue programmes for last words from

either sponsor or to be university
(alhamdulillah, I've went to IMAM n RCSI predepartue)
and lots and lots..haha
suddenly I realized that I've left bio,chem n physcis
for quite a long time..hmmm

untill that time comes, I''ll just have to wait and pray
hoping things go as what have been planned. If Allah's will

.: a happy ramadhan to all muslims :.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

the occurence of being FUTUUR


· Terputus setelah terus menerus atau diam setelah bergerak.
· Sikap malas, lembab dan santai setelah sebelumnya giat dan

· Perkataan fatara bermaksud sikap berdiam diri setelah sebelumnya
bergiat atau melemah sebelumnya kuat.

(Lisan al-Arab, Ibnu Manzur 5/43)

Suatu penyakit hati (rohani) yang kesan minimanya timbul rasa
malas, lembab dan sikap santai dalam melakukan suatu amalan yang
sebelumnya pernah dilakukan dengan penuh semangat dan tawajjuh.
Manakala kesan maksimanya adalah terus meninggalkan amalan
tersebut.Penyakit rohani ini kerap menjangkiti para aktivis dakwah
atau mereka yang terlibat dalam jalan da’wah dan jihad fi sabilillah.


1. Sikap ekstrim atau berlebih-lebihan dalam menjalankan aturan

2. Sikap melampaui batas dalam melakukan hal-hal mubah.
3. Memisahkan diri dari jama‘ah dan lebih mengutamakan
‘Uzlah (Menyendiri)

4. Kurang mengingati kematian dan akhirat.
5. Memandang enteng kewajipan harian.
6. Tubuh dimasuki sesuatu yang Haram atau banyak Syubhah.
7. Membataskan diri dengan hanya melakukan sebahagian sahaja
dari syariat Islam.

8. Mengabaikan keperluan jasmani
9. Tidak bersedia menghadapi mehnah dan ujian di jalan Da‘wah.
10.Berlarutan melakukan ma‘siat dan memandang remeh dosa-dosa

11. Melalaikan kaedah sunnatullah
12. Berteman dengan orang yang memiliki penyakit futuur
13. Aktiviti tidak berprogram dan mengikuti marhalah

يَا مُقَلَّبَ الْْقُلُوْبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِىْ عَلى دِيْنِكَ
Ya Muqqalib al Qulūub, thabbit qalbi 'ala deenak
(O Converter of hearts! Make my heart steadfast in the deen)

I copied this post from a blog, the du'a on the other hand, found it
from this link click


Saturday, August 16, 2008

.3 in 1.


union tamhidi medic II
venue: KLCC, garden
date: 16082008

my friend(Engku Umar) Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences,USIM
invited me to a reunion for all students of tamhidi medic II 07/08,
with a farewell bid
for me. well at first I tried to give excuses
since there's
few things need to be done,but he kept on
insisting saying
that this reunion was specially for me..
they wanted it to be
done by this
week since they'll be having
holiday before their
mid sem exam

'' mung kene maghi gak,kita wat khas utk mung nie''

we had a few speech sessions and a True / Dare game
(well nobody dare to dare) and I concluded my final speech
to them,and eda (peng program) played a song from
Brotherz (doa perpisahan) and as we split for our journey,
me (went to kenduri),they

(on their way back to pndan indah,mar,farah,nabilah to nilai)
rains start to fall..and they wave me a safe journey
(a film like scene..touching indeed)

a round of applause to them who organized this small reunion
(4 of my friends couldn't make it),
we felt the beauty of 'friendship' throughout our 1year matrix
' although Titanic is the biggest ship,
but the best ship is always a Friendship '

and prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) have always
reminded us about implementing good behaviour(making friends)
other muslims & non muslims, and keeping a good friendship
based on the love for Allah is one of the lessons.

ttmII class 07/08
. umar| akmal| yuzrin| nabeil| hafizuddin| mu'az| qadri| amrul
| syarah| aisyah cr| ruwaida| lazima| husna| fatin| aisyah
| aslamiah| mardhotillah| nabilah| farah| nisa'
* qadri,amrul,aisya cr,nisa couldn't join us

and now, they are making their way to mbbs

except for mardhotillah,nabilah,farah,amrul (biotech)

qadri (chem industry)


in the evening, went to khairiyah's house, her brother
(abg saiful islam)
d kenduri aqiqah for newly
born baby(2 weeks, maryam)
. I was informed by
this occasion on my way to klcc from duha
and rushed to
melawati after the reunion
, meet my seniors in
,6th batch abg umair,abg najib(jabbar's IIC bro),
abg wan anuar(fathiyyah' s bro)


went to KLIA, bid farewell to ammar (comp engineering)
n basyirah (actuarial & financial maths)
making their way to US

all the best,good luck,be a good muslim
who embrace the religion
. Sayonara Malaysia, willkommen US .

Ammar Ahmad Faris
Basyirah Mohd Khairi

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Friday, August 15, 2008

sibukkah ??

mnggu ni agak sibuk

ada perkara yg perlu diselesaikn

alhamdulillah smlm dah buat dental check up
kbtulan lalu melawati, buat di klinik dr nooriah
dan dr kata kne wat scaling
dah lama x check gigi ( lst time masa kecik2 je)
agak lama la juga mulutku terbuka,

digeledah, gigi di usik2
lidahku asek cuba utk mngelak serangn b'tubi2
aku pula akibat lenguh, t'telan air liur sndri
tp best..lpas treatment,
dr siap gosokkn gigi lg..(haha)

nikmatnya..malu pun ada..psl da besa pon
org kne gosokkan, dr pula tu
t'bau2 dan cuba mengagak dr
guna ubat gigi ape ye ?
dlm iklan, mngatakan ramai dr gigi mngesyorkn
kpd mereka2 di luar sana rajin2 la gosok gigi
dan jumpa doktor

alhamdulillah, slase lpas smpat bli buku
dkt pustaka mukmin, 2 buku yg mnjadi phatian

semalam juga bli piza malaysiana
mnarik psl piza ni, siap ada bg kertas kecil
(ditmpal atas kotak piza) yg
mngandungi nasihat n kata2 hikmah
dakwah yg bguna,
(pkcik n familynya moga diluaskn rezeki amin)
smbil nikmati piza boleh baca kertas
terigt pula diriku
usrah dah tnggl 3 kl..

memetik b'berapa kata yg ada pd kertas :

' Nowadays people have enough to live
but nothing to live for,

they have the means,

but no meaning . '

' Each of us has our own unique flaws,
don't be afraid of your flaws,
acknowledge them,

you too can be the cause of beauty,
In our weakness, we find our strength. '

bgitu mnarik skali apa yg d'perkatakn
dan disusun,
moga ganjaran pahala dlm apa jua bentuk bg mereka semua


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

.Up, Up & Away.

Flight . Boarding . Depart

Khadijah Mahmud
Universiti Sumatera Utara,Medan, Indonesia: Medicine
Basyirah Mohd Khairi
University of Michigan Ann Arbor , USA: Actuarial &
Financial Mathematics

Ammar Ahmad Faris
Univ of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA: Computer Engineering
Duha Mohd Yunus
Univ Padjajaran Bandung, Indonesia: Medicine
Atiqah Khuzaini
Carleton University , Ottawa , Ontario, Canada: Biomedical &
Chemical Engine

Amir Hamzah Ishak
Univ Of Cairo,Qasr El-Ein campus, Egypt: Medicine
Mu'az Shaharom
RCSI Ireland: Pre Med 08/09
Abdul Rahman Dasuki ( junior)
Univ Alexandria, Egypt: Medicine

Hazwani Hanizam
Univ Al-Azhar, Egypt: Medicine
Syifa Habeeb Rahman
Univ Al-Azhar, Egypt: Medicine
Mardhiah Abu Bakar
Univ Al-Azhar, Egypt: Medicine

' travel beyond the distance, follow your destiny,
discover the immensely world of knowledge,
for then you'll acknowledge the beauty of it,
verily we'll be amaze with great humbleness,
towards Allah the AlMighty. '


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Saturday, August 9, 2008

.a glimpse.

. IMAM PreDepartue UK & EIRE .

Date : 8,9 August 2008
Venue : Astana Dugang, Sg Merab, Bangi

Islamic Medical Association Malaysia /

Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia

what is a PreDepartue ?
pre departue is a yearly program organize by IMAM UK EIRE,
student chapter in collaboration with IMAM doctor's chapter to
equip students,whom will be flying overseas pursuing medicine in
different countries, information focusing on all different kind of
aspect,life as an overseas student,about the univ,etc.

how this program differ from others ?

well as it is a pre departue program,therefore some of the content

is much the same in a way,however what makes this program
a must attend program before flying,not only student will have a
good view on what's about to come in years ahead,preparing
mentally,spiritually & physically,asking question from
seniors (diff univ representative),it also act as a medium where
participant of the program have the oppurtunity to meet various
doctors with various specialty with eye to eye conversation giving
them exclusive view of a doctor's career along with inspiring advices,

a live experience one shouldn't miss

my PreDepartue ?
alhamdulillah it was a memorable experience and it really
change some of my perspective in the world of medicine.
The speakers, only one word can best describe them

a.m.a.z.i.n.g,although they were buzy,they
really could find some time to be with us.
Prof Latiff,such a great guy,his words really touched my heart
Dr Musa,a humble guy, yet he manage to open up our mind,
to see how important for doctors, to work as a team.

Prof Amal,his video presentation was so uplifting
Dr Rodhi,sharing experience throughout his journey of
becoming an ortho surgeon & currently working in UKM
- infact he was once a student in RCSI.

besides talk, we also had the oppurtunity to experience
' solah in the garden ', basically we prayed in the garden,
which was a norm for students who studies overseas
where mosque and prayer rooms are limited.
There's also an intellectual game conducted by the commitee
where it expose clinical examination for us, quite fun & also
we learn about Fiqh overseas

lessons ?
a few quotes from the speakers
Prof Latiff,
'' walk tall,believe in our heart,we will win ''
- he kept saying we will win,referring to us
in the good side of the ummah

'' always be ahead of time ''
- planning for what's to come

'' work hard, be patient ''
- as medicine needs full dedication & determination

'' stand up when fall ''

and the most important
'' never forget Allah ''

he also give a talk after subuh prayer (more like kuliah subuh)

and subhanallah, this doctors, are not only one who understand
medicine,but they do have knowledge in religion
- very impressive indeed.

his point was simple, he shared a hadeeth which
prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said

1) Fear Allah wherever you may be
2) Follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out
3) Behave good-naturedly towards people

Dr Musa,
'' Think bigger picture for ummah ''

'' Being at the cutting edge of ...(I didn't catch this one,

it has to do with science)

'' Service to humanity ''

'' the concept of Soleh Wa Musleh ''

'' Global networking (amal Jamaie) ''



Tuesday, August 5, 2008


' berjalan bermusafirlah
melihat kebesaran
tuhan yang,
diciptakan untuk
mereka yang berfikir,
dan bersyukur,
di atas nikmat dan kurniaNYA,

nilai harganya,
iman dan taqwa,

bagi hamba yang setia. '

. aku ingin berehat .
menenangkan fikiran

meluaskan pemandangan

menikmati keindahan alam

' fasihu fil ardhi '

I kinda like this new look ( the blog)
so I'll stick with this one,
before I manage to find a new replacement
last week, went to PD, wedding & PC Fair

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